Need to close the ‘closed suction in-line catheter’ port!

  • Manpreet Singh
  • Dheeraj Kapoor


Infection sources in ICU require utmost vigilance and care. We hereby describe another probable source of infection in patients of ICU where closed suction systems (CSS) are applied for uninterrupted ventilation even during suctioning. Growth of microorganisms increases, whenever these organisms get optimum environment for their multiplication. Closed suction inline catheter systems (CISC) are most often used in patients who are critical and require ventilation for prolonged period. Numerous CSS are marketed by manufacturers with one advantage or other. Kollef et al suggested that there is colonization of microorganisms in lower respiratory tract when such systems are placed over 24 hours1. Recently, numerous studies suggested that the use of CISC for more than 24 hours did not increase the risk of ventilator –associated pneumonia and it might be safe for patients2. Some manufacturers claim that this device can safely be attached for 72 hours continuously with low infection risk.

How to Cite
Singh, M., & Kapoor, D. (2019). Need to close the ‘closed suction in-line catheter’ port!. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from