Medical errors related to look-alike and sound-alike drugs

  • Samina Ismail Department of Anesthesia, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi (Pakistan)
  • Arshad Taqi Hameed Latif Hospital, Garden Town, Lahore (Pakistan)
Keywords: Medications, Medications errors, Adverse drug events, Look-alike drugs, Sound-alike drugs Tall man lettering, Medication Errors Reporting Program, Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation


Despite recent developments in the inventory management, introduction of electronic drug trolleys and cabinets,
color coding of the filled syringes and many more interventions, medication errors could not be eliminated. The
most common of these are syringe swap and human errors regarding wrong drug administration due to look-alike
drug containers or sound-alike names of the drugs belonging to diverse groups. Many of the fatalities, that occur
in third world countries due to these causes, go unnoticed and unregistered. This special article complements two
special editorials on the same topic by Professor Joseph D. Tobias et al and Professor Robert Stoelting, a case
report, a patient’s perspective and a ‘Cliniquiz’ being published in the current issue of the journal. It discusses
salient features of this issue as well as preventive measures and recommendations

How to Cite
Ismail, S., & Taqi, A. (2019). Medical errors related to look-alike and sound-alike drugs. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 117-122. Retrieved from
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