Regional anesthesia for thoracic surgery

  • Yasuhiro Morimoto Department of Anesthesia, Ube Industries Central Hospital, Ube Yamaguchi, (Japan)
Keywords: Epidural Analgesia, Nerve Block, Thoracic Surgery, Thoracic Surgical Procedures, Anesthesia, Conduction, AnesthesiaLocal, AnesthesiaAnesthesia, AnesthesiaEpidural, Ultrasonography


Regional anesthesia has an important role in the anesthetic management of thoracic surgeries. Regional
anesthesia provides better pain control than systemic opioid analgesia, controls stress response, and
prevents respiratory complications. These factors should improve patient outcomes. The first choice
of regional anesthesia for thoracic surgery is epidural analgesia or thoracic paravertebral block (TPVB).
In general, analgesic efficiency of epidural analgesia and TPVB is equivalent. However, TPVB has
some advantage over epidural analgesia including fewer complications. When these two blocks are
contraindicated, application of intercostal nerve block or inter-pleural block can be considered

How to Cite
Morimoto, Y. (2019). Regional anesthesia for thoracic surgery. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 352-356. Retrieved from
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