Anesthesia for an adult patient with patent ductus arteriosus for interval tubectomy

  • Safiya I. Shaikh Department of Anethesiology, Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli, Karnataka (India)
  • Lakshmi R. R Department of Anethesiology, Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli, Karnataka (India)
Keywords: Patent ductus arteriosus, Tubectomy, Anesthesia, Systemic vascular resistance


Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a congenital defect where the ductus arteriosus remains patent after
birth. The incidence is 1 in 2500 live full-term births, accounting for approximately 10% of all congenital
heart defects.
A 24 year old female patient a known case of PDA (left to right shunt) came for bilateral abdominal
tubectomy she had no signs and symptoms and the PDA was discovered incidentally. She was not on any
treatment. During perioperative period, goals of anesthesia were to decrease systemic vascular resistance,
right ventricular preload, and shunt flow and to maintain pulmonary vascular resistance. The course of
the anesthesia was uneventful. This case highlights important points in the management of such cases.

How to Cite
Shaikh, S. I., & R, L. R. (2019). Anesthesia for an adult patient with patent ductus arteriosus for interval tubectomy. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 405-407. Retrieved from
Case Reports