The changing world of local anesthetics

  • Waseem Ismat Chaudhry Diplomat Iranian Board in Anesthesia, FCPS, Professor of Anesthesiology, Akhter Saeed Medical & Dental College, Bahria Town, Lahore.
Keywords: Pain, Postoperative, Pain, Management, Anesthetics, Local; Levobupivacaine, Bupivacaine


With the renewed interest in multimodal postoperative analgesia and the rapidly evolving medical specialty of interventional pain management, the concerns about the toxicity and the undesirable short duration of local anesthetic agents has lead the researchers to explore different options. These include modification of drug molecule with the discovery of new molecules, e.g. levobupivacaine, as well as drug molecule binding with liposomes. Various studies are being carried out to document comparative biophysical parameters of these drugs. This editorial compliments a similar research study by Narayanappa AB, et al, being published in this issue

How to Cite
Chaudhry, W. I. (2019). The changing world of local anesthetics. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 1-2. Retrieved from
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