Adverse clinical impact and outcome of inflammation and oxidative stress: Are the antioxidant properties of vitamin C helpful?

  • Ernest Herbert
  • Dominique Fournier
Keywords: Health impact assessment, Outcome measures, Inflammation, Oxidative stress injury, Dose-response relationship, Immunologic


Inflammation and the oxidative stress are two main notorious driving forces behind the disease progression, deterioration and eventually the death of the individuals concerned. When these two aggravating factors have been effectively addressed, then the disorders affecting people can be under control and relief for the treating clinician. The patients can experience an improvement in health-related quality of life, or better total remission. This review evaluates the relation between oxidative stress in critically ill patients, vitamin C intake as an antioxidant and severity of illness. It also highlights the implications of these two processes in major disease areas, such as cancer, intensive care, sepsis, cardiology, rheumatology, and the damaging outcomes of the imbalance between the production of ROS and antioxidants.

Citation: Herbert E, Fournier D. Adverse clinical impact and outcome of inflammation and oxidative stress: Are the antioxidant properties of vitamin C helpful? Anaesth. pain intensive care 2022;26(4):710-719.

DOI: 10.35975/apic.v26i5.1993

Author Biographies

Ernest Herbert

Ernest Herbert, Erdomo LLP, 22-Appletree Gardens, Whitley Bay, UK

Dominique Fournier

Dominique Fournier, 585, 71e rue Est, Québec (QC), G1H 1L9, Canada

How to Cite
Herbert, E., & Fournier, D. (2022). Adverse clinical impact and outcome of inflammation and oxidative stress: Are the antioxidant properties of vitamin C helpful?. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 26(5), 710-719.
Review Article