Anesthetic management of a patient with Eisenmenger syndrome: What next when one technique fails?

  • Renu Bala Department of Anesthesiology & Critical care, Pt BD Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana
  • Arjun Pirkad Department of Anesthesiology & Critical care, Pt BD Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana.
  • Savita Saini Department of Anesthesiology & Critical care, Pt BD Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana.
  • Arnab Banerjee Department of Anesthesiology & Critical care, Pt BD Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana.
Keywords: isenmenger syndrome, Inguinal hernia;, Surgery, Anesthesia, syndrome, What next when one technique fails? Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care


Though the condition Eisenmenger syndrome (ES) is quite rare, the patients may present for incidental surgeries. The anesthetic management is quite daunting in such patients since the physiological changes occurring during anesthesia may adversely affect the shunt. The perioperative mortality is quite high and ranges from 4% to 30%. The choice of anesthesia remains a controversial subject and the best technique is still not defined. We herein report a 23year old male patient who was a known case of ES scheduled to undergo inguinal hernia repair. We planned the surgery under local anesthetic infiltration at the site and ilioinguinal nerve block. However the desired effect of local anesthetics was not obtained and the further anesthetic management of the patient was very challenging task.

Key words: Eisenmenger syndrome; Inguinal hernia; Surgery; Anesthesia,

Citation: Bala R, Pirkad A, Saini S, Banerjee A. Anesthetic management of a patient with Eisenmenger syndrome: What next when one technique fails? Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2016;20(3):327-329

Received: 25 June 2016; Reviewed: 6 & 9 September 2016; Corrected: 12 September 2016; Accepted: 15 September 2016

How to Cite
Bala, R., Pirkad, A., Saini, S., & Banerjee, A. (2019). Anesthetic management of a patient with Eisenmenger syndrome: What next when one technique fails?. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 341-343. Retrieved from
Case Reports