Technological advances in medical education in intensive care

  • Marija V. Sholjakova Specialist of Anesthesiology & Reanimation, University Clinic of Anesthesiology, TOARIL, Skopje, Republic of Nord Macedonia, retired. Currently; Professor of Anesthesiology, Department for Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Medicine, “Ss Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Republic of Nord Macedonia
Keywords: Medical education, Educational technology, Patient simulation, Trainee, Patient safety


The rapid development of advances in technology made a deep impact to the medical education causing changes in teaching. Technological advances in medicine, especially in intensive care settings, opened new opportunities and challenges to ensure quality training education of residents.The laws in most of the countries in the world do not allow practicing new skills on patients, which compel the trainees in use of technical support to enhance medical practical knowledge and skills. With the aim to increase the efficiency and safety, technological tools become integral part of intensive care educative process. There are numerous technological advances that may be used as educational tools in intensive care, as Computer-aided learning, Virtual Patients Human and Patient Simulation. As part of a multimodal concept, simulator-based training may facilitate an improvement of quality of care and patient safety.
Citation: Sholjakova MV. Technological advances in medical education in intensive care. Anaesth. pain & intensive care 2019;23(2):119-123

How to Cite
Sholjakova, M. V. (2019). Technological advances in medical education in intensive care. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 23(2), 119-123.
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